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Start where you are, use what you have.

Zakiya- Tuere, Health and Nutrition Educator at your service


One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well.

 Virginia Wolfe

I believe Virginia said it best. We need energy to breathe, to move, to live and that energy comes from food. Consuming nutrient dense food has a positive effect on our body and all it does for us. Let me guide you to make informed food choices that your body will thank you for.



  • Overview of role of Nutrition and effect on the body- group specific

    Starting at $500/grp
  • Thorough explanation of preferred Nutrition topic in layman's terms

    1 hr

    1,000 Trinidad & Tobago dollars


"Zakiya did an online Introduction to Nutrition for Athletes with my women's rugby team and it was really informative. She provided information that was relevant to us as athletes and as women, especially the part that nutrition plays in the health of a woman's body. The team generally appreciated the intervention and went away with some actionable information. Her delivery was clear, engaging and enjoyable overall."


Rugby Coach

Nourish Your Body & Soul

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