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  • one on one coaching

  • group consultation

  • health writing

  • public speaking


  • breakfast boxes

Welcome welcome one and all to the page of health... If you sang that I hope it made you smile, if not, that's okay give it time. Thanks for checking out my website and I know you'll do so frequently. *wink wink* This has been a long time coming, but you know what they say, nothing before its time.
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Zakiya-Tuere Savary, contrary to popular belief Tuere is neither my middle or last name, it's actually part of my first name! Where are all my hyphenated people at?! *woot woot*
Anyway, naming my brand was pretty easy because it gets right to the point, much like I'm about to do right now.
TuereTalks was born out of a purpose that I sincerely believe I was born with. For as long as I could remember, I had a deep- rooted interest in all things health and wellness.
I grew up in a pretty healthy food environment which, in itself, has captivated me ever since.
Fast forward to formal education, where after choosing Food & Nutrition at the CSEC level I opted to do an undergrad programme in Nutritional Sciences with a minor in Communication Studies and later a graduate degree in Health Education & Promotion. 
I knew I wanted to be about educating others on health regarding diet and exercise (because I've also been a dancer for the majority of my life- like, I'm a professional...get at me *shameless plug*)
I look forward to using this platform meet you where you are while effecting transformational change with regards to your health and wellness, one consultation or public speaking event at a time.
-Love and blessings
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